
Thursday 27 November 2014

Bella rose, our newly adopeted Corgi Chihuahua

Meet Bella rose, our newly adopeted Corgi Chihuahua. We just so happened to be out at a cat store in Cambleford trying to find some toys for our abandoned kitten and sparked up a conversation with a fellow shopper. She mentioned how she was going for surgery and had to find a new home for her dog, so we offered to babysit while she was away, but she declined and said, "she just wants to find it a good home". WHAT PURE SERENDIPITOUS LUCK! Our previous dog had just passed away a week ago and we were pretty glum, as he had been apart of the family for a good 14-15 years.
The energy in this dog is unlike any other we've ever owned. She can jump like a show dog and is even pretty good around the kitten; which we were truly nervous about at first. I cant wait to start teaching her some tricks!
While she is friendly to us, she needs some work with strangers, as she can become very nervous around new people, especially around woman for some reason. She is fascinated with our ducks and rooster but hesitant of the goats. All in good time I suppose.

Abadndoed kitten, We shall call her..... Angel. 。^・ェ・^。

Well, how could anyone leave this poor little thing!?!

While outside cleaning up around the coop I heard a cry from the barn, when I went to investigate I found this little one screaming at the top of her lungs. "oh lord" I told my self, as this was the second kitten this year we've found abandoned; thankfully this time we knew what to do. I decided to give it till nightfall and see if momma comes back for her little one; no such luck. I decided "ok!, its time for you to come inside", as the raccoons would be out looking for dinner soon. Thankfully, this little puffball looked to be a few weeks older then the last cat we took in. This one was able to walk pretty well and  its eyes had matured slightly so it wasn't as blind'ish as the babies tend to be.
We had a can of formula leftover from the previous kitten and as soon as that was placed in front of her she dove in like it was swimming practice. She still puts both feet in her food every time we feed her, then runs off spreading little milked up paw prints all over the house.

Oh momma cat, how could you give this little munchkin up?

We figure we'll keep her inside till the spring and hopefully she'll be able to readjust to life with the other barn cats.

I'm not much of a cat person, but this little thing is starting to grow on me.