Showing posts with label chitin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label chitin. Show all posts

Friday, 21 June 2013

Chitin ☜ the all natural pesticide + disease correction in plants. ●●●●☺

We have been very interested in chitin as of recently, we've always used worm castings in our grows, even hydroponics,  but never knew of its amazing qualities in bug prevention and disease correction, we just thought it was our special touch, lol, how naive the human brain can be.
But just recently thanks to john from growing your
( )
gave a wonderful talk about the benefits of chitin and where you can get it. This got me to researching and found its one of the most abundant sources of natural polymers, has healing benefits, treats disease on trees, and repels insects just to name a few. I found an article online with an extensive list of ideas on how to use it, create it, and where to pick some up. HERE YA GO

and if your into worm composting this is a great site to help you along with making teas and such.

We were also lucky to have stopped by the local hydroponics expo recently
( homegrown Hydroponics expo)
Not only are we very excited over there snap together piping but, they had a product there that was fertilizer from insects, this seems like a great idea, we will doing a controlled experiment very soon with this product, Will keep ppl updated on the progress and results.
Masked Hunter nymph, 
all if a sudden Im seeing bugs I've never seen in Canada before, 
what in the world is that????? a bug covered in dust? 
YUP!! Meet the masked hunter nymph, for some reason he thought my studio/office was a good place to roam. wish I could have got a better shot for ya but he was a quick little bugger.

Bug covered in dust

masked hunter covered in dust