
Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Trent severn waterway ♒♒♒ ♒♒♒♒ ♒♒♒ ♒♒♒

I tell ya, one of the first things that caught my attention when looking for houses in the area was the Trent waterway. Not that when your looking for houses you say, 
its just gota have a river, no river, no deal!.

But honestly, it doesn't hurt. 

While driving to Toronto in the spring we would pass the Trent's locking system around Cambleford; this was the year Foxboro just about turned into Atlantis and the Trent waterway was a torrent of such epic proportions that even Odin would be impressed.
Things have calmed now, there is peace in the air,
but its beauty and power continue on.

There used to be a car in this photo and its actually really easy to see the correction area if you zoom in. This can be your (wheres waldo) of the day, Have fun!

When I arrived there was a good 50-100 birds. They all took off after a few minutes and I got this shot, I NEED A TELEPHOTO, I KNOW.

I was thinking of trying to photoshop out the orange fencing but hey, for a blog, its O'natural. 

As you walk down the stairs there's a small man made wetlands area to the right growing native plants/grasses. Its really neatly done, reminds me of a Babylonian water garden in a small way.
(As shown below)

Here is where a lot of people seem to like fishing, makes sense, Ive watched a few River monsters shows now to understand, there always seems to be either big fish or something worth while around these fast flowing lock systems. Not just locks, but any little torrent like areas in the river.
I suppose its one of those things, once you've seen it done before, you know where to look. 
Thanks River Monsters!  *chuckles

This cloud makes me hungry for marshmallows
Mmmmmmm.......... Homemade marshmallows... 
half sugar/ half honey... 


I just had too.

Trent waterway circle of life

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