

This is a touchy subject for some people and others its nothing at all.
Me, I find myself struck with contradicting ideas, I believe its a technology that should be studied, that cant be denied. Science is moving at such a fast pace that it only makes sense we are at this stage. If you think 3D printing is futuristic, just wait till everyone has a molecule printer in their house, things will change so quickly and with such veracity that GMO's will be everything.
With all this said, Im still against GMO's.  WHY?  you ask.
Well the science for this is something that should be tested, not applied. In no way do we need something like this to "help fix" a problem with drought/ bugs/ virus or lack of food. THIS IS A LIE.
Its an impatient way of agriculture, where they would rather take genes from a fish and implant them into a strawberry instead of going through a long and arduous process taking time but reaching perfection. Nowadays, in the minds of big business, we have no more time to waste, things must be done now, instantaneously, and it must be bigger, tastier, ship better and everything a good 'business berry' should be. This to me screams impatience, and like any other emotion thats taken over it does not end well.

I remember reading an article online about a GMO business that would make your own GMO plant  for you for $50. All you had to do was provide the plant, the idea of what you wanted to do, and pay the money and BAM!! you have your own GMO..... I thought to my self,  this is crazy, this is not safe, this could possibly ruin the environment and SOOOOO not worth taking the risk, but something in my brain sparked with this option I was now given. It made me think of all these amazing creations that I could make, not some guy in a lab, ME. My thoughts quickly jumped to glow in the dark berries, or a blue apple and neon orange celery. ( keep in mind I run a small eco farm, with worm bins, eat nothing but organic and oppose GMO's religiously ,)
Now if I could be interested in something like this, that means future generations might have no problems with this at all, and anyone who does might seem old, out of date and doesn't understand technology. The one thing that always makes me laugh is when I hear the pro GMO people say , dont people know we have been genetically modifying food for decades/lifetime?, by the act of cross pollinating one variety with another. UHHHhhh please tell me you "scientists" understand the difference between cross pollenating plants and gene splicing right?? because these are two totally different things, and in no way should be compared. ( Im calling you out on this one neil degrasse tyson)
Taking DNA from an insect and implanting it in vegetable DNA should IN NO WAY be related to cross pollenating.  Even if a tree is blasted with radiation like the star ruby grapefruit, its genes might be mutated, but the fruit is still of its own initial DNA, no fish genes were imparted during the process, the question is, what effect does a bug/jellyfish/animal DNA in a vegetable/fruit have on our body/environment?, the RNA?, the DNA?, will your body be able to absorb the nutrients if part of the code is changed? will it create allergies from the alteration of our micro-flora?  for gardeners its easy to make sense, for we know the tales to well of, every action has a reaction.

With all this said, do I believe we should stop working on this GMO idea, no. It will most likely be needed when terraforming other planets, or, in the case of bacteria that convert sunlight into energy, freeing us from or industrial age malevolentcy. Should we be playing around here on earth, feeding people/animals/ manipulating our weather with such little experience, NO.  these products should/MUST be tested in labs for a century no less, for this is a life altering step we are taking here, we do not even understand the body/mind completely, we would have no clue what time bomb this would create in our genes. I find it insulting that these GMO scientist try and make people believe it is just a simple matter of turning off certain genes like switches, PLEASE, The process for GMO plants is the same as regular ones, just amplified. They need to go through thousands of plants to get the right characteristics there looking for, BUT HOLD ON< I thought it was simple, it was just a matter of switching the genes off, so let me ask you, WHY does it take thousands of plants to go through if this technology is so accurate?   and if they have done research for 10-20 years and think its conclusive, PROVE IT, show me data on human consumption of GMO for over a year. Hardly one generation of study and they think they sure, lol. Im all for the advancement of technology, but the people doing the advancing are creating terminator seeds and agent orange corn,  You dont have to be to bright to see that if this is where there heads are at, somethings off and should not be trusted. While they might not be maniacal scientists doomishly laughing during lighting storms, anyone creating terminator seeds is not to far off.

( If you are thinking about posting a comment stating (monsanto has never made a terminator seed, you are clearly wrong  with major concern of this technology being used in India)

So down to the nitty gritty.
On this page will be a list of all GMO products/ foods/ bugs/seeds and ideas that are being spread about this world. If your like me and dont trust who's making it, and want all these food companies to stop using GMO food, This list will give you the company and the product that I And none of my family will no longer be purchasing/supporting.


Hawaiian Papaya  - Names to stay away from ( Strawberry, Sunrise, Sun up, Rainbow, Kamiya, Laie gold, Kamiah.

Corn- I dont think I need to get into this one. Because of cross pollination we dont even eat organic corn.

Soy - We all know the problems with this, Besides most being GMO, there is concern over how this reacts in the body, mimicking estrogen, relating to a host of issues.

Sugar beets- could be in your sugar/ molasses, and by could be I mean, is.

Citrus- yup, there moving onto citrus now in order to stop the HLB virus. Get your 'original' trees while you can.

Alcohol- most are made from corn and flavours added will most likely come from a synthetic source. While there are Organic options, and certin beers and wines are now organic, the selection is few.
( theres one certified beer sold in ontario, thank heavens for MILL ST BREW!! ) and while this claim of alcohol being mostly GMO is without any evidence of companies using this product, I air on the side of caution.

Salmon (fish)- recently approved for human consumption. Will not be labeled GMO. In fact we no longer eat any fish/seafood because this industry is depleting our oceans with careless fishing practices.+ there is so much pollution.

Strawberries -

peanuts - will be on the way soon-

Vitamins -  This was disappointing to find out -


apples and grapes -

Rice -

Honey- IMO, There is no way any honey can be considered organic, Bees travel kilometers in order to collect pollen. The chances of it being tainted with GMO genes is almost 100%. We sadly can no longer support this industry.
More to come.....

1 comment:

  1. I am just writing to let you know that I agree with most of your plant growing practices (organic, etc) and I was actually excited to visit your store. However, based on this page alone, I will not be purchasing anything from you. GMOs should and must be applied all over the world to deal with very real starvation, and when people like you preach ignorance on your webpages, you make it increasingly difficult to do this important work. You obviously get your information from other fear-monger ins sites, and not factual research.
